The World Health Organization even includes the varicellavaccine on its list of essential medicines.
The varicellavaccine can prevent both chickenpox and shingles, a later complication of the disease.
Data now accumulating suggest that the varicellavaccine as used in the United States has so far been highly effective.
Summary: Good evidence already supports the administration of varicellavaccine to healthy susceptible family contacts of children with malignancy, but not to patients themselves.
The addition of varicellavaccine to the universal childhood immunization schedule in the United States in 1995 can be seen as a bold step.
A senior paediatric surgeon says the government is neglectful and irresponsible for not fully funding the chickenpoxvaccine to all children.
It is China's second-largest producer of rabies and chickenpoxvaccines, the company said in its 2017 annual report.